0xShukruN /?
Offensive Cyber Security Research & Detection Blog
This Gitbook is still a work-in-progress and will probably change its layout.
GitBook Legend
Each Page has a prefix Icon signifying the nature of the page
Container page, Usually a parent page to several other pages, this pages will contain detail about the pages nested within it.
In-Depth Articles, Usually a deep-dive into the subject mentioned in the page's title
A page which is has some content, but is work-in-progress
CheatSheet Page - a collection of commands, code, methods to quickly reference.
Short Pages that briefly demonstrates something without deep-diving.
This Gitbook
Currently this Gitbook is a geneal place in which I write:
In-Depth Articles about Offensive / Defensive Techniques and the technology it involves
Operating System Internals
"How to" Articles
Contact Me
I can be reached @linkedin or @SaharShukrun.
Last updated
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